
Embrace Magic is the brainchild of Rivkah.

Rivkah is currently a graduate student in social work at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, as well as a Courageous Living Certified Life Coach.

They have lived in 9 US states as well as Tel Aviv, Israel. She’s investigated many different careers, ranging from being a florist, software engineer, product manager, linguist, swim instructor, and speech therapist, among others. Along their winding life path, Rivkah has learned how to be happy where she is by embracing the magic everywhere around her.

Rivkah is certified as a life coach through the Courageous Living Coach Certification, which is rooted in a holistic philosophy grounded in supporting clients where they’re at. She is not currently taking on any life coaching clients, as she’s focusing on her graduate studies in social work at this time.

Aside from studying, Rivkah occasionally writes about whatever topics are particularly interesting to them at the moment. Rivkah also creates visual art and music. They invite you to explore all of their various creative endeavors on this site at your leisure.